Half Time Report

Once again, the workout was side barred by a very sick little girl, I missed my run this morning.  So, thinking, while grocery shopping, how can I get this run in (being plenty tired and not wanting to run).

Well, what better time than half-time.  I challenged the family to get out and exercise.  They didn’t have to run with me, but go outside.  Hubby ran already, but my son got up and took the dog out for a nice walk and I did my run.

So, the official half-time report is……

2.17 miles, 20ft in elevation change (both up and down), rain, wind and a whole lot of determination.  First mile split was pretty good, but definitely slowed to an airborne shuffle in the second mile.  Notice some struggling when I was running on gravel, but it didn’t deter me.  Got back on the pavement and kept driving on.  But, it got me curious as to whether or not I should be doing more training off the pavement.  

But, hey I did it!!!!!!

Preparing My Body for Success

Another day I didn’t want to run and another day I’m glad I did.  Lungs are doing well and feeling my muscles get stronger in my legs.  When I spoke to a runner the other day, he said it isn’t uncommon for people even other athletes to have leg problems when they start/switch to running.  So, I’m sticking with it and it is getting better.

My last few stretches, following my shadow to a constantly changing finish line.  I’ve had to talk my way in and I just keep telling myself, I’m preparing my body for success.

I will be successful!!!!

Volunteering, Time Crunching, and Exercise

Had a very interesting day.  As always my favorite day is volunteering with the art room.  Love to see the talent our students have.  I also went and got a proper pair of running shoes.  Wanted to try them out so bad, but was running out of time in the day knowing I had other things that HAD to get done.  Not to be deterred, I got into my running gear, picked up Ema, drove over to Johnny’s school, got out of the car and started running around his school parking lot.

I had just enough time to squeeze in two miles and a cool down. Now, I thought no way I was going to get done.  His parking lot is SERIOUSLY crooked.  Although, I’m finding much amusement in how any given street is not flat, even when it looks flat.

All that said, I struggled a little and felt those calves tightening up after the first half mile.  I sort of pawned it off on the slope of the parking lot.  Before I knew it, I slowed drastically.  Then, I recalled the conversation I had with the “shoe guy” earlier in the day (an avid runner).  He said, never gauge speed and time.  Simply work on your goal distance.  So, I forgot everything else and just put my feet down.  When the school buses showed up, I continued to run the inner portion of the parking lot, as to not be in the way.  But, of course, despite there being almost 30 open parking spots, people insisted on parking wherever they wanted.  Does no one understand I’m trying to exercise here.

I finally checked my tracker and I had only .21 miles left.  I was pretty jazzed and figured one more time around the parking lot should do it.  But, alas, I’m tormented.  My last time around the parking, I had to traverse myself around a car in the way.  If that wasn’t bad enough, what happens?  Both windows are down and I get the most divine whiff of McDonald’s french fries.  Not a fan of Mickey’s, but I do love their french fries.  So not fair.  But, alas, I used that as motivation and did three more rounds passing this car knowing I could resist sticking my head in the car and asking for a french fry.

When all was said and done, I was pretty proud of myself, if not a little unnerved of everyone looking at me from their cars.  I did my cool down and was done just a few seconds before the bell rang.

Total……2 miles running…… .12 miles cool down…… 2.12 miles total.

Whoot, whoot!!!!

Today Was About Sheer Determination

I hate missing a day on my running challenge, but yesterday was out of my hands.  So, I promised myself to run 2 miles today instead of one.  But, I caught myself making excuses….oh, not in the morning, maybe in the afternoon, this that and the other.

So, I literally crawled out of bed at 6:19 this morning and by 6:49 I was headed out the door.  The first mile, while slow was not as slow as last week.  It was when I hit the second mile that my calves started to tighten up.  I wanted to quit…..a few times.

I started to think about the days when I was in the Army.  What did I do during training?  I wasn’t a trained runner then either.  So, I put one foot in front of the other and ticked off every 1/10th of a mile.  If I felt I couldn’t run anymore, I walked, but I didn’t stop.  One foot in front of the other I ticked off those 10ths of a mile.  Then, I checked how far I had to go, so sure I was down to the last 10th of a mile or so.

Almost in a panic, I discovered I still had a 1/2 mile to go.  Seemed like a marathon left.  So, I dug down deep, kept putting my feet down.  Walk one block, run two blocks, walk one block, run two blocks.  It was slow, it was ugly, but it got done.

Had to remind myself about a conversation I had the night before.  I was honored to be speaking with a triathlete I had met.  I told him about my mini-challenge.  He told me, running a single mile every day as opposed to many miles every other day is probably the BEST thing I could do for my body and for training.  It was quite encouraging and recalling that conversation, I ran the last .15 miles without stopping.

Sheer determination today, but determination it was.  My final run tally was a total of 2.14 miles this morning.

Getting better, if not in time, in distance!!!!

Runners World Holiday Running Streak

So, after seeing a friend post on FB how she is dong the 2013 Runner’s World Holiday Running Streak, without thinking, I piped in and said “I’ll do it”.

Now I’m paying for it, but a promise is a promise and here are a few things I’ve done since then.