Run For Those Hills

Running On Healthy


I hope that title didn’t steer you away from reading this.  I know hills generally really stink.  Most people hate them.  Sadists seem to love them (at least that is what I think they must be).  I have yet to meet a person who looks at race elevation charts hoping to find a hilly marathon.  But there really is a lot to be gained by adding hills to your runs.

Here in Chicago there are not a lot of hills to be found, but when I am in New York City I often run Central Park and there you will find they are a dime a dozen.  Head up to the north end of the park and you will find the ultimate hill to train on.  It is one of those hills where reach what you think is the top and start to smile thinking you made it, only to realize that…

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The Wear Blue Group

So, back last Spring, give or take, I tried this running thing and kind of gave up on it.  At the time, my friend and good neighbor15092_242364439268078_1706233974_n Asuka told me about the Wear Blue Group.  I had gone a few times and stopped.  So, when I tried again, because we should all try and try again.  I started to attend the Wear Blue runs again.  This time around it was different and I realized what a great group of people they are.  Something else happened too.  This time around, Tim’s unit lost a soldier just a few days before this run.  This time, I had a purpose.  I had a reason more than just running to be there.  I was there to honor a fallen soldier.  From that point forward, I made my runs for him, for his family, for them all.

There are days when the runs are hard.  There are days when I run alone.  But, everyday, this community supports all who are there and all who are fallen.

See the Wear Blue mission is to build running communities that honor the service and sacrifice of the American military.  Their goal is to act as a support network, serve as a living memorial, and bridge the gap between military and civilian communities.  Their vision is to create globally recognized running communities that honor and preserve the legacy of generations of fallen service members.

More here…..

Last Friday, the local JBLM group had their New Year’s get together.  I met and talked with some amazing people there.    But, every time I attend one of their events, I am so inspired and Friday was no different.  I captured these pictures of quotes they put on the table.  They inspired me so and I just had to share……my favorite being the Martin Luther King Jr. quote.

Find your purpose, find your inspiration.


Filling in Wasted Time

I’ve discovered on my new journey that we….I…..can come up with 1,000 excuses on why I cannot exercise.  So, I recalled once early on when I was so upset that I wasn’t going to be able to run, that I vowed to get it done anyway.  I realized, I spend a lot of time sitting in my sons school parking lot waiting for him to get out of school.  Usually I read, but lately have been forgetting to take my book.

Already in my workout gear (was going kickboxing after picking him up), I stepped out of my car and began to run around the parking lot.  I took it slow, but it was faster than everyone else who was sitting in their cars wondering what this crazy woman was doing.  Even my daughter got out of the car.  She didn’t run with me, but she did clean all the car windows.  Can’t be mad about that.

Well, we headed over to the gym and found I had 20 mins. and was doing nothing since the kids were changing into their kickboxing gear.  So, I got up and went over to the treadmill.  I put into another mile on the treadmill.  So, using both sets of time, I managed to run 2 1/2 miles and still get my kickboxing workout in.

Thank you feet, you’ve done a great job today!!!!!!


Want To Get Faster? Try Adding Strides

Running On Healthy


Strides are an easy training tool to add into your running plans.  These are a perfect addition because they don’t require a lot of time and can easily be added to any of your weekly runs.

What they are: These are short bursts of swift running, usually around 100 meters.  You can do these from about 80 meters minimum to 150 maximum.

How to do it: Start running at a nice easy conversation pace for about 20 meters and then begin to build up your speed and intensity for the remainder of the run, ending with a few steps at easy conversation pace.  Follow this up by either standing to rest or with a brief walk to allow your heart rate to go back down.  Repeat these in sets of approximately 6-10.

Try to focus on having a nice smooth and relaxed cadence.  Pay attention to your form, as this will help it improve…

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Happy New Year Mr. Treadmill

So, I’ve tried to squeeze in some quick runs and 1 long walk since Christmas.  Well, today, I got back on the bandwagon.  Took the kids to kickboxing.  Decided, I’m not going to just sit here playing on my iPod.  So, I hit the treadmill with the intention of just doing a warm up mile since I new I would be back later in the evening for cardiokickboxing.  Well, messing around (and pushing a little) with all the shiny knobs, before I knew it, I had run 2 miles and walked 1/2 mile.  Interesting how it feels to walk 1/2 mile in the middle of the run and then finish up the run.  I played around with the incline, speed, walk, run.

So, since I started this venture back on Thanksgiving day, I started at 2.0 with a zero incline.  Today’s top (although not constant) measurement was .5 incline and 3.6 on speed.  I say a nice, steady progress over the last several weeks.

I later followed up with a 45 min class on cardio kickboxing.

Today my friends was a good day, especially since I had twisted my foot Saturday.  I was pleasantly surprised at what my body gave me today.

feet-on-treadmillHappy 2014 Everyone