The Wear Blue Group

So, back last Spring, give or take, I tried this running thing and kind of gave up on it.  At the time, my friend and good neighbor15092_242364439268078_1706233974_n Asuka told me about the Wear Blue Group.  I had gone a few times and stopped.  So, when I tried again, because we should all try and try again.  I started to attend the Wear Blue runs again.  This time around it was different and I realized what a great group of people they are.  Something else happened too.  This time around, Tim’s unit lost a soldier just a few days before this run.  This time, I had a purpose.  I had a reason more than just running to be there.  I was there to honor a fallen soldier.  From that point forward, I made my runs for him, for his family, for them all.

There are days when the runs are hard.  There are days when I run alone.  But, everyday, this community supports all who are there and all who are fallen.

See the Wear Blue mission is to build running communities that honor the service and sacrifice of the American military.  Their goal is to act as a support network, serve as a living memorial, and bridge the gap between military and civilian communities.  Their vision is to create globally recognized running communities that honor and preserve the legacy of generations of fallen service members.

More here…..

Last Friday, the local JBLM group had their New Year’s get together.  I met and talked with some amazing people there.    But, every time I attend one of their events, I am so inspired and Friday was no different.  I captured these pictures of quotes they put on the table.  They inspired me so and I just had to share……my favorite being the Martin Luther King Jr. quote.

Find your purpose, find your inspiration.


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