I did it, I did it……major milestone

So, as part of my holiday running challenge, my goal was to run at least 1 mile a day starting on Thanksgiving, running through New Years Day.

So, I really did not want to go today.  I didn’t.  it was 30 degrees out and the wind was blowing like no ones business.  I think God was giving me a bit of a challenge to see if I was serious about this run. Thankfully, I was able to get some cold weather running gear.  I don’t have my gloves yet, but felt if I had everything else insulated, I should be fine.

So, there I was standing at the door, watching the wind blowing.  Jokingly, I told the kids to push me out the door.  Not knowing they were standing right behind me, their response “okay” and pushed me so hard, I slammed right into the “locked” storm door.  Well, with a little chuckle and the thought I have to run before the kids hurt me, I stepped outside into the frigid evening weather.

Got a block down the road and thought to myself, that wasn’t so bad, until the wind kicked up again and I thought I should have covered my poor little fingers.  But, in all that thought and wondering……worrying if my legs would cramp up again, I was on the brink of stopping, when I looked down at my tracker and realized I had ran almost an entire mile.

For most people, that isn’t a big deal, but for me it is major.  Nine days ago, I started this challenge and it took me over 20 minutes to finish 1 miles (this was mostly walking).  Yet, today, not only did I make it an entire mile without stopping, I had my best time since I got out of the Army.  I do believe my app is a little off which clocked my mile at 8:33.  I think it was actually closer to 10 mins.  But, even then, that is still the best of done in like…..EVER.  And, a major improvement since I started this venture.

Time for a girl to be proud of herself.


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