
More and more studies are showing that even people who workout and eat better are having a hard to time loosing weight when they don’t get enough sleep.  So, I thought I would post this interesting article about getting better sleep.

Seven Hidden Ways to Get Better Sleep

You can improve the quality and quantity of your sleep. Here are 7 ways to get back on track. You’ll be sleeping like a baby in no time!

  1. Create the right environment. Get your body and mind in the habit of using your bedroom for sleeping. If you frequently sit in bed to pay your bills, do your homework, watch television, eat, talk on the phone, etc., your mind will expect that the bedroom is for daytime activities. Instead, create an environment that is suitable for sleeping. Equip your room with soft lighting, comfortable bedding, and relaxing music. Other tricks include turning the temperature down a few notches, and turning the clock away from your view. Recent studies reveal that watching your sleep time vanish into the morning hours only makes you more anxious and less able to fall asleep.
  2. Get yourself into a routine. This is especially hard for people with wavering, active schedules, like students and parents. On busy days, it is difficult—but crucial—to be firm with a routine. If you normally don’t fall asleep until the wee hours of the morning, or if you don’t have a sleep schedule at all, try going to bed a half an hour earlier each week, or set a time to get in bed and stick with it. Eventually your body will get used to going to sleep at that time and it will begin to come naturally.
  3. Limit food and beverage intake before bed. As you lie down to sleep, acids in the stomach level out, making heartburn and indigestion more likely to occur. Also, your metabolism increases slightly to digest food, which can also raise your energy level. Stop eating at least three hours before your scheduled bedtime. If you must snack on something, keep it small, and avoid high-fat foods, which take longer to digest. Instead, have a granola bar, some toast, or a small bowl of cereal, but keep your portion small. Say no to stimulants like caffeine and nicotine, which can raise blood pressure and energy levels. Alcohol may be a depressant, but after its sedative effects wear off, your sleep patterns will suffer.
  4. Consider a natural approach. Certain herbal teas can help you relax and fall asleep. Chamomile is a popular herb that slows the nervous system and promotes relaxation, for example. As always, consult your health care provider, use herbs and other supplements only as directed, and make sure to read labels. Some herbs may react with certain types of medication or cause adverse effects in individuals with liver disease, Parkinson’s disease, and pregnant or nursing women. Other liquids, such as a small glass of warm milk, may also help.
  5. Know when and how to nap. When energy levels drop around 3-5 p.m., most of us desire a little shut-eye. Napping is okay, as long as you do it wisely. Most sleep counselors recommend napping for no longer than 20 minutes. Exceeding 20 minutes could leave you feeling groggier and make it harder for you to fall asleep at bedtime. If you know you have to stay up late, or if you have an erratic sleep schedule (especially new moms), take a nap during the day. You’ll be more productive and in a better mood.
  6. Take control of your worries. Let’s face it—most of us lead very stressful lives. Stress, surprises, and changes can take a toll on your sleep habits. Schedule some downtime each day for meditative activities like stretching or a hot bath. Try to decrease your brain activity before bed by writing down your thoughts in a journal and closing the book on the day. If thinking keeps you up at night, get out of bed and try to be productive. Deal with those thoughts (pay the bill that you are worried about forgetting, make a to-do list, etc.) in a positive way, and come back to bed when you’re ready to sleep.
  7. Get a check-up. If you toss and turn most nights, it may be time to see a physician. You could be suffering from one or more sleep disorders, including insomnia and sleep apnea. The sooner you find out what’s wrong, the sooner you can fix it. Sleep disorders are dangerous to your health, so if you suspect something is wrong, tend to it immediately.

In Transition…….

Man alive, it’s a lot of work.  My trainer brought in her nutritionist for a seminar for our Bootcamp Group.  I work out extremely hard, yet my muscles are still weak and my endurance can still use some work, plus I “GAINED” weight.

One thing I picked up on right away was her saying ideally there should be no more than 2 ingredients in the food you get at the store (but no more than 5).  It’s actually hard to find that.  But, I’ve been either trying to “cook” untouched food or minimally processed foods and that has been working well.  I’ve stream lined my eating, so I’m eating most of the day (I try and stop at 8pm).  So far, I’ve lost a few pounds and I’ve been having way more energy getting through my workouts.  Wednesdays are double workout days (just how my schedule worksout) and it’s hell trying to get through two workouts (one in the morning and one in the late afternoon).  Yesterday, while I was still pretty fatigued, it was A LOT easier to get through.  To boot, I’ve been sleeping better.

Not to say everything is perfect…..this morning I had a “morning bun” at Starbucks. I  use to love those things.  But, this time I was like “ick” and I was hungrier at lunch time than had I ate my “egg and salsa” breakfast I normally have.  So, I had my egg and salsa for lunch…..LOL.

It is time consuming looking through the endless aisles at the grocery store and I realize I probably can’t fix everything in our house, but I’m more aware of what is going into my body (and the hubby and kids for that matter).  Like, I couldn’t believe the sour cream  (love it) I was using has 4 preservatives in it.  I don’t know about anybody else, but my sour cream doesn’t last that long, so no need for me to eat one with 4 preservatives……ICK

Oh and my headaches are almost completely gone………On payday, it’s time to scour the local markets and co-ops and start working on an organic honey regiment.

If you want more information, this is the nutritional website.  She has some great information and if you sign up for her free newsletter, she’ll send you a free ebook that outlines her seminar.  She’s also got some good quotes on her Facebook page.

Nutrition by Kristine (click here)

Good luck all you BIG FAT LOSERS!!!!!


This is the group of people I work out with.  My trainer is the itty bitty chicka (in pink) I am standing next to.  Nothing like a picture where you look pregnant to get you re-motivated…..or……depressed……lol

Half this group is doing rampage tomorrow.  I opted not to do in exchange for a 5K in early November.

Rampage At The RAC Brings A Zany Obstacle Challenge For Runners Looking For Fun

Rampage At The RAC Brings A Zany Obstacle Challenge For Runners Looking For Fun

October 5, 2011 | Filed underSports | Posted by

RAC RampageBy Gail Wood

Even Jenny Wilson admitted it sounded like a crazy idea.

Who would want to jump over a fire, squeeze through a 20-foot plastic tube, crawl through mud, slosh across a slip-and-slide and scale a 11-foot-high cargo net?

Well, 1,100 people, a mix of runners with a zany bungee-jumper’s mentality have signed up to do just that. The first-annual Rampage, a challenging 5K obstacle race at Lacey’s RAC, will be held Oct. 8 starting at 9 a.m.

“We’re pleasantly surprised,” said Wilson, the race coordinator and Lacey Parks and Recreation staff member. “We hoped for maybe about 500 people.”

Dani Johnson is excited about the challenge. While she doesn’t consider herself to be a runner, she is a competitor. So, Johnson, along with some other people who take her fitness class – Extreme at the Academy of Brian Johnson in Lacey – is both excited and anxious about the race.

“We’ve been doing circuit training for about a year, so I think we’re well prepared,” Johnson said. “It’s going to be fun.”

To prepare for the cargo net climb, Johnson has had her fitness class climb a rope. But there is no preparation for sloshing through mud. She’s already got a post-race recovery plan.

“We’re going to get into the back of Brad’s truck and go through the car wash,” Johnson said with a chuckle.

It’s that physical challenge of the Rampage that seems to be the attraction.

Even though there won’t be a prize given to the top finisher, Johnson admits her group will be gunning for that uncrowned title.

“I’m competitive. You put something in front of me and I’ll go,” Johnson said. “If you watched our class, you’d see how competitive we all are. But in a fun way.”

Johnson is in the first group that will begin the obstacle course. Every half hour from 9:30 to 3:30 p.m. a different group will start, preventing the course from being too crowded.

Lon Perplies, who has lost 75 pounds in the past few years and is is Johnson’s fitness class, is set for the challenge of the Rampage.

“It sounds like a lot of fun,” Perplies said. “It’s something different than just going out and running. Running can be a little boring.”

A year ago, Wilson began looking into hosting an obstacle course event, a break from the tradition fun  runs. She went to a similar event in Portland and began planning to host an obstacle race here.

“It’s not your average run,” Wilson said. “It’s a little different. I think it encourages people to be healthy and active and fit. It’s also a way for make your fitness fun.”

Other obstacles in the race include running through a long line of tires, climbing a 8-foot-high stack of hay bails, flipping over the hood of a junkyard car, and  slipping through a “spiderweb” that’s made out of bungee cords. There will also be 3-foot hurdles for people to jump over. The final event is the 15-foot long mud pit.

Wilson is surprised by what the most popular age group of the race is.

“We’re drawing a lot of people in their mid 30s to mid 40s,” Wilson said. “You’d kind of think we’d draw a younger crowd. We really have all ages signed up.”

To ensure a quality event, Wilson capped the race at 1,100, closing registration two weeks before the race. Next year, she plans on expanding the registration and enlarging the turnout.

This year every finisher will get a dog tag that says “I survived the Rampage at the RAC.” Everyone entered will also receive a T-shirt.

Johnson isn’t concerned about whether she’s fit enough. It’s whether her ankles and knees will hold up to the challenge of the rugged course.  But Johnson figures she’s got an edge. At 5-foot-2, she won’t have any trouble negotiating through the plastic tubes.

“I’ve got a couple of girls who are 5-10, 5-11,” Johnson said. “They’ve got the advantage climbing up a net. But it’s to my advantage climbing through a little tunnel. I just don’t think you can pass someone when you get behind them.”

Johnson is looking for an edge wherever she can get one. Let the fun begin.

Close but no Cigar

I was close, but was able to look back and see what small adjustments I can make for tomorrow.

Chart with no titled

Monday, October 3, 2011

Calories Fat Carbohydrates Protein Fiber, total dietary
Corn Tortillas, 2 tortilla, medium (approx 6″ dia) 113 1 23 3 3
Fried Egg, 2 large 185 14 1 13 0
Sour Cream, 1 tbsp 26 3 1 0 0
Salsa, 2 tbsp 9 0 2 0 1
Lasagna with meat & sauce, 400 grams 508 19 51 33 5
Yoplait Light Vanilla Yogurt (6oz), 0.5 serving 55 0 10 3 0
Feta Cheese, 1 oz 75 6 1 4 0
Milk, nonfat, 3 cup 257 1 36 25 0
Cheddar Goldfish (55 pieces), 2 serving 280 10 40 8 1
Espresso (decaf), 1 fluid ounce 0 0 0 0 0
Espresso (decaf), 1 fluid ounce 0 0 0 0 0
Kalamata, Green Olives, pitted, 1 oz 85 8 4 0 0
red (purple) onion (4 rings), 1 serving 8 0 2 0 0
Dole Shredded Lettuce, 1.5 cup 10 0 3 1 1
Figs, fresh, 1.5 large (2-1/2″ dia) 71 0 18 1 3
Peas, fresh, 1 cup 117 1 21 8 7
Honey, 0.5 tbsp 32 0 9 0 0
Meal Totals 1,832 63 222 99 21

The Totals Are In

Okay, it’s official, we have 11 participants, which gives us a nice pot of $220.  Man alive, the some serious massage time at the salon.  These are the people I have, including their official weigh-in stats.  Let me know if I missed anyone

You are never really playing an opponent. You are playing yourself, your own highest standards, and when you reach your limits, that is real joy.
– Arthur Ashe

Participant Weight
Tim **
Anissa **