It’s Been Awhile

Okay, I know I haven’t posted anything in awhile.  I’m not going to lie, I got all down in the dirt.  I started out really strong and then in a single week, I allowed a set back to take over.  I had lost a good three pounds and then out of nowhere, I gained 7lbs.   I know I’ve been having a lot going on, but I need to get back on track.  So, I took some time off from all my exercise, tried to figure out what exactly I could or couldn’t do with my hurt foot.  It also helps that after 7 months, my clinic FINALLY sent me to a podiatrist.  Between my regular doctor returning to the clinic and the podiatrist, I have plans in place to help with my foot pain.  I’m also working with my instructors on ways to keep undue pressure off my foot.

All that said, I started reading a book called The 4 Day Diet.  What I really liked about it, is the author (Ian Smith) doesn’t even talk about food modification until almost the end of the book.  He really talks about mentally preparing yourself for your weight loss journey.  Have a road map in place.   So, I’m going to start posting my game plan and hope you guys (and myself) derive some motivation out of it.

These are not in order of the book, but something I worked on today is remembering not only to reward my big accomplishments, but my baby steps as well.  So, I put this list together.  I encourage everyone else to do the same.

My long term goal is to loose:  80lbs

My short term goals are to 1) loose 1 lb per week and 2) increase my endurance by 5 minutes every three weeks until I reach 45 minutes of cardio workout.

Rewards for weightloss milestones:
loss of 10 lbs new purse
loss of 25 lbs new outfit
loss of 50 lbs back massage
loss of 65 lbs tickets to the theater
loss of 80 lbs treatment at the day spa