A Book that Changed My Life

The book

A book that changed my life was The Tommyknockers by Stephen King. One of my favorite authors by the way. It changed my life because it was one of the first books I read for pure enjoyment. I was 18 and laid up in the hospital. I begged my mother to bring me anything, so I could read during the day. I thought she was going to bring me a gossip mag or something. She went to the library and grabbed the first thing she could find. It took me several weeks to finish but for the first time in my life my reading wasn't fast and furious for school. I was so excited at the idea of reading at my own pace and for pleasure, giving me the time to actually think about what I was reading and letting it dig deep into my brain, my heart and thought processes.

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The Most Difficult Recipe I've Mastered

cookie monster

sugar cookies. I've come across a lot of different recipes, tasted a lot of different kinds. After about five years of messing around with a recipe my mother gave me, I have mastered the sugar cookie and learned to do a lot of different things with sugar cookies. I think it's funny too since the base recipe is so darned easy.

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Are not uncommon when your going through life changing processes, be them sudden or long term.  I thought I was excited to be taken of one of my long term meds (I am), but realized tonight, I want to be off all of them.  However, the other med I’m on is to deal with severe inflammation in my foot.  So, why am I upset?

Well, the reason I’m “currently” having a problem is my increase in exercise.  Why such an increase?  I WANT to loose this weight.  I want to loose it so bad.  But, it seems the more I try, the more I go backwards.

Ugg….don’t know if I’m just feeling sorry for myself because I’m injured or what.  I’ve long suspected it is also this stupid states (Washington) lack of vitamin D as well.

Speaking of Vit D.  I decided to increase my calcium and Vit D intake.  It’s pointless in waiting for the sun to come out up here.  Meanwhile, a very dear friend is trying to assist in helping with my foot (Thanks Lisa) while my doctors take their sweet time in not helping me.

Today, I am frustrated!

Hopefully, tomorrow will be better.


My Fitness Routine

Kickboxing Class

My exercise routine does not change because of season. I was doing 3-4 days of circuit training, which includes muscle training, 2 days of kickboxing and 1 day of karate.

More recently, I've been trying to nurse a foot back to health, so I'm down to 2 days of kickboxing and 1 day of karate. If I had my way, I'd be doing 5 days of kickboxing.

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